Monday, January 25, 2010


The kids went ice skating for the very first time.  Ever.  It didn't go quite as well as anticipated, since they were unable to move... unless they were carried and/or pushed, that is ;D



Anne-Lie said...

Underbart härligt!

Livet på Citronodlingen said...

haha, det är inte så lätt som det ser ut det där :o)

Wannabe said...

hahaha :-D mina barn har itne ens fått prova än... nästa år kanske ;-)

Elisa said...

Haha..THAT IS A CLASSIC! Little children on ice skates are so funny...we put my son on when he was only 3 and he was so scared! But so cute =)

annette said...

Så underbart söt, fint Att Det fanns lite Stöd Att Hålla i, är ju stopp på skridskor;)


annette said...

Skall var halt på skridskor;)


Marie said...

Tur det fanns nå´t att hålla sig i ;-)

Tezzie said...

:D I was pretty proud of Munchkin, all in all...she IS only 3 after all, and even managed to take a few halting 'skating' steps without my help. But, yes...VERY lucky she had something to hang onto, since Hubby's back went on strike mid-skating session and I ended up having to 'park' one kid while helping another!! lol

Anonymous said...

Helt underbart stillastående.