Monday, January 18, 2010


Hubby was given one of those "most-popular-Christmas-gifts-of-the-year", which this year was (apparently) the Bed of Nails...

Since it's not exactly being used a lot (go figure ;D), Boy found another use for it...doll torture:



staci said...

Love the etherial effect this photo has, how did you get that? I wish I could understand your other comments but I don't speak swedish. Thanks for your very funny comments on my pictures, I feel your sense of humor. I'm not as tired of the everyday picture thing as I thought I would be, or as I remember being when I did 30 days in August !!! How about you?

Marie said...

Ha, ha, ha. Ja det där är tortyr allt ;-).

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

haha, that made me laugh out loud! and i am sitting in a coffee shop right now, so i looked like a looney tune!

send me an email and i will see if i can try to help you figure it out.

linlin said...

I LOVE it!!!! Julklapp of the year, crazy people. Way to go, Boy. And I see generations of your genes in that, by the way.

Charlotta said...

Eller så leker han hälsostudio ;)

Tezzie said...

Marie/Charlotta - ungefär samma sak, enligt vissa ;D

Rachael - glad I could give a giggle :D

linlin - ya...crazy people from across the street...aka the in-laws (notorious for giving THE WRONG gift) ;D.
And does Boy remind you of anyone? wouldn't believe how many times I've called him by Mr Grumpy Pant's name!!

linlin said...

Yep, he reminds me of both generations of males in your family. And I haven't even met Boy, it just goes right through the photos, loud and clear. I love seeing it, brings back such good memories.