Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Staci, over at 3 Monkeys Jumping had a great tip for getting kids to enjoy's mine;



staci said...

Hey are those like the outside bubbles or ones just from the soap in the tub? I might try that, not that my kids really mind bathing yet, but it might be more exciting that way.

Tezzie said...

Originally, they were the 'outside' kinda bubbles, but now I just refill with liquid dishsoap + water (about 50/50)...they have a blast, every time!!

Marie said...

Är ju alltid skoj att lekaq med, såpbubblor. Spelar ingen roll om man är liten eller stor. Tycker i alla fall jag, men så tillhör jag de mer lyckligt lottade 40 +:arna som har barnasinnet kvar ;-)

Serline said...

Another great place would be by the pool...

Lairama said...

Såpbubblor är alltid kul :)

Wannabe said...

du har så fin skärpa i hans ansikte. Jag tycker aldrig att jag riktigt lyckas med det inomhus..