Thursday, April 29, 2010


One wonderful result of recently having had a birthday, is still being able to enjoy the gorgeous flowers I received!  These are from a friend IRL as well as in blogger-land;  one for every five years of my life so far!



Serline said...

They are indeed gorgeous but this shot comes with a tinge of sadness, melancholy. Perhaps the color treatment you gave them?

Wannabe said...

jag tycker att det är en mycket vacker bild av dina rosor, och håller nog med föregående inlägg om att det ser lite melankoniskt ut. Men å andra sidan, det var lite blandade känslor inför 40-årsdagen, så kanske är det en bra spegling ändå?

Tezzie said...

Thanks, Serline and Wannbe - It was honestly unintentional, but perhaps a subconscious manifestation...since every pic I edited from this shoot 'felt' like it needed to be muted and not brightened! (not sure why the picture is so blurry, should be MUCH sharper. I wonder if it has anything to do with how I had to upload...blogger didn't allow me to upload from my computer for some reason...but only from picassa or another website. Weird that...any idea of how to remedy this and get the 'old' way of uploading back??!)

Tezzie said...

Ok...I was able to delete the version of the photo that I posted here, and reload it. This time, blogger looked 'normal' and didn't just allow me to upload from picassa or another URL. Very weird! In any case, the image isn't so blurry any more, thank goodness!!!