Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I want to live in this house when I grow up ;D

No idea whose house this is...but isn't it awesome?!  I pass it while driving home every day...



staci said...

Maybe I can live with you !!! It's an interesting shot. I fell like you could almost split in two, the wood and water and then the house.

Barb said...

I know whose house it is:->

Tezzie said...

Barb - NO WAY!! :D Tell them they've got an awesome place! It's just across riksåttan from where I'm doing my work placement...

Staci - I think it's the combination that draws me to it...the house itself is such an interesting renovation; a traditional local wooden house, like about a million others, but it's been cut in 2, split in the middle with a modern insert...quite different and unexpected, architecturally speaking. Then, of course, it's surrounded by trees and on the water (of sorts...in fact just a little river that apparently almost dries up during the summer...) But, it's the overall combination that draws my eye to it, everytime I drive by!

Wannabe said...

Ja, mycket coolt hus, fast inget jag skulle vilja bo i. Möjligen komma på studiebesök och titta innuti, för har man så häftig utsida bör man ha rätt god smak på insidan inbillar jag mig. Fast det bästa är ändå bryggan, tycker jag :-)

Tezzie said...

:D Wannabe...jo lite samma som jag tänker...säkert är det skitsnyggt innuti :D Håller med att bryggan är charmig som tusan ;D...tyvärr så hör den till stugan på andra sidan ån...