Wednesday, March 31, 2010


There's a tradition in Finland that took me a while to get used to...(simply because I would forget each year!):

The birthday boy or girl brings cake to the workplace/school to allow others to help celebrate their birthday...Especially multiple-of-ten birthdays, like this one.  My classmate turned 20 today! (egads...half my age!! )  Happy Birthday, H!



staci said...

Is that like a princess cake with marzipan? My poor swedish sister in law has tried so hard to get us to like that Swedish tradition. The cakes kind of look like that but hers are always green. I love hanging out with people that young, it keeps in the loop !

Livet på Citronodlingen said...

Mmm, så gott! Så gör man ofta i Sverige också.

Mamí♥Picture said...

Love that!!!

Charlotta said...

På mitt jobb är man också "tvungen" att bjuda på tårta när man själv fyller. Jag gillade traditionen bättre på mitt förra jobb, då gick vi ut och åt tillsammans och den som fyllde år blev bjuden i present. Men man får ta seden dit man kommer och tårta är ju gott. :)

Tezzie said...

Staci - that's exactly what that cake is! :D Green is the usual colour, but you can get it in different colours as well...personally, I loooove Princess cake, but I suppose if you're not grown up with it, it requires some getting used to! Your poor sister in law, is right! Tell her I think your family is crazy for not embracing the goodness of princess cake LOL

Charlotta - Jo, man kan ju försöka hålla födelsedagen hemlig om man tårta är ju aldrig helt fel ;D