Sunday, February 14, 2010


I wanted to get one of those cute siblings kiss shots...but I knew to push for that, would have wrecked the moment ;D  Happy Valentine's Day...or Happy Friend Day, as it's known here!



AnnaKK said...

Ja, visst hade det blivit toppen - om det hänt spontant! :-) En annan gång, så!!!

Och förresten: Fotot blev toppen ändå!!!

Ha en riktigt fin alla hjärtans dag!!!

Dee said...

The softness of the sepia tones in this photo is perfect. Your photos always have a "mood". This one fits this portrait perfectly. (Did that make any sense at all?)

annette said...

Jag tycker bilden ändå Visar kärlek, så fint med bilden i sepia som ger så skön känsla av värme i bilden!

Ha en skön kväll!


Tezzie said...

Aw, thanks, guys! and, made perfect sense :D

Hope you've all had a lovely Valentine's Day!