Sunday, February 28, 2010


I'll bet these cute little things help keep the traffic congestion in Oslo to a minimum!


Sarah said...

Those are so cute! There's a car similar looking to that here in the US. I think it's called a Smart Car?

Livet på Citronodlingen said...

Men åh, bilden ser ut att vara jättegammal med dom där söta små bilarna. Antar att det var någon träff på gång eller så.

Tezzie said...

Sarah - Yeah, we have quite a few of those around here as well...these were even smaller, which I had never seen before! Think they're just a 1-seater :D

Helena - I think maybe they were a for-hire place...and, you're right, I never noticed they have an old time feel to them; I was too focused on the novelty of them! I should've 'aged' the photograph...could've been a fun effect!

staci said...

I'm wondering if I could even fit in one??? WOW? They do look kind of convenient but I'm like when am I ever in the car by myself? Where would you put your camera bag and your purse? My questions about these cuties could go on for ever. I want to know what they use them for? They are so interesting. I really like the black and white and all the repetition.

Tezzie said...

Staci - Perhaps your questions were rhetorical...BUT (and I'm only guessing here; anyone who knows for sure, please correct me!) I would wager they're some kind of rental company for business type people who are in town for short periods of time. Kinda like people rent mopeds when they're on the islands in Thailand etc :D I'm pretty sure there's at least enough space for your camera and purse...and maybe a briefcase ;D