Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I don't think it would be nearly as interesting and charming if it was fixed...



Rebecca said...

This for some reason, reminds me of a very old rusty chair that was broken but somehow still standing on a very old bridge. I always wanted to take a photo of that because it was very poetic. Had it been a new chair or a new bridge, it just wouldn't have been the same.

Livet på Citronodlingen said...

Nej, inte alls, då skulle det bara vara ytterligare en brygga :o)

Serline said...

I'm of two minds about this: it looks rather sad and melancholic in its current state...

Wannabe said...

Förmodligen inte :-)

Maria Berg said...

Du har väldigt fina bilder.
I faders och sonens och den helga andes naman.... gillar bilden den talar eftersom handen går så där som präster brukar göra.

Blåbär underbart har bara ätit amerikanske i år så jag saknar att bli blå om fingarana...

Lite ont om tid men tittar och njuter KRAM MB

Ps. Tack för inspiration på olika tema!

Tezzie said...

Rebecca - I love finding those 'beauty in the oddest places' type shots. Hope you have your camera the next time you see such an image...it sounds wonderful!

Helena - tack :D

Serline - hmm..yes, perhaps you're right! Perhaps it misses the days when kids played and had fun there.

Maria - tackar,! Kul att kunna inspirera i mellan åt...får alltid mycket sådant hos dig, liksom hos andra 365:or ;D