Friday, July 16, 2010


He's gorgeous...but I feel so sad that he's not out in the wild, enjoying freedom.

(instängd/locked up)


Livet på Citronodlingen said...

Kanonfin bild. Gillar kompositionen jättemycket.

staci said...

I love the textures and colors in this photo.

Serline said...

Look at those eyes... you can put his body in a cage, but his predator spirit still roams free, waiting for the right moment to be unleashed!

Tezzie said...

:) thanks!! I loved this one, as well!

Serline - You're right...and that's a great way to see it. Thanks!!

Wannabe said...

gillar färgerna jättemycket. Tänk att du kan få djurparksbilder att bli intressanta. Inspirerande!