Saturday, May 29, 2010

148 and 149

ok...falling a bit behind here.  being sick sucks.

These are some seedlings that sowed themselves in my front garden...I've dug them up and plan on selling them in an upcoming flea market our little town is holding.


This is a traditional pattern, used when decorating furniture:



staci said...

Fun painting, I love that type of stuff. I actually have a few pcs in my house, I should post you a picture, maybe you can tell me about them. Sorry your sick, I hope you heal quickly !!!!

Anonymous said...

Skönt att det inte bara är jag som ligger efter! ;) Hoppas du mår bättre nu och snart är helt frisk igen. :)

Elisa said...

Hey lady...I'm I've been feeling veeeeery tired =) I think it's a great idea to sell the seedlings!

Serline said...

"Gathering" is aptly named; it gives a feeling of anticipation, as if they are jostling to be planted in the ground next...

Interesting word verification "achedi"; Thailand has many chedis, and several luxury hotels/resorts are named "Chedi".