Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The kids and I visited our neighbours the other day.  While the kids were busy playing with their friends and the moms were busy gossiping chatting, we saw their dad come home (exhausted from a hard day's work)...sit himself down for a bit...and not long after that we noticed that he wasn't quite 'with us' any more ;D

(rastplats/resting place)


staci said...

I freakin love the plant between his legs and his shoes off. HILARIOUS !!!!

Tezzie said...

Staci - :D I know, eh?! He would seriously KILL ME if he knew this was posted on the internet...but it's just so classic I couldn't resist!!!

Wannabe said...

hehe, perfekt!

Livet på Citronodlingen said...

haha, ungefär sådär ser det ut hos oss också med jämna mellanrum, framför allt efter lunchen :o)

Serline said...

A family man after an honest day's labor... what more can a girl wish for?